VEF > Visto en las Redes > El inglés es fácil, decían, por @HumansNoContext
Enviado por dodoazul el 19 mar 2024, 13:15

El inglés es fácil, decían, por @HumansNoContext



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#1 por scriptthetroll
4 abr 2024, 20:06

Though he taught me that through profound thought, done throughout time in the thorugh way, the tough should get easier, i thougth naah no me apetece

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#2 por megangoldberg
3 jun 2024, 02:50

There's a certain electricity between us. Let's explore it with a touch that ignites a fire that burns long after the last word is spoken, and leaves us wanting to rewrite the script tomorrow. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot

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